Friday, April 13, 2012

In resopnse to Egage...

How long do you think it will be until PC's are totally extinct?

I see PC's hanging around for a while just because it is what older generations are used to but at the speed that technology can advance i wouldn't be surprised if PC's become the new record players. Maybe 20-25 years and i think the youth will barely understand how a PC worked.

Do you think soon iPads and Tablets will have no place and we will only need our cell phones for all of our electronical needs?

Monday, April 2, 2012


After reading Chapter 11 and 12 on pricing I took a trip over to Wal-Mart and on my way i traveled past a McDonalds which was swamped with customers. Almost right next door was a Wendy's, Burger King, and a Pizza Hutt which all had a combined customer load of about 10 people. McDonalds had over 6x the customers of all its competitors combined. customers were waiting in large lines when right next door were more fast food restaurants, i was astonished until i thought deeper into the situation. All of the other chains were slightly pricier than McDonalds which was what caused their vacancy. These customers cared so much about a $1-$2 difference in price that they would wait for almost 15 or 20 minutes.

Can you think of any other industry where this same pricing action occurs?

Saturday, March 31, 2012

In response to Alex Purdy...

Do you think the local movement will continue to grow and the nationally owned stores will have to change tactics to entice customers?
Do you think it is possible to have a whole community go local and stop buying from out of town owned companies?

I agree with the first question because i think a buy local movement once it hits the national scale will entice buyers to follow the buy local trend, therefore large corporations will need to adapt to buy locally in order to survive in the market. I certainly believe that it is possible for a community to eliminate any purchases that are non-local but i do not think it is anywhere in our near future. Too many businesses survive in this recession because they can import cheaper items opposed to locally producing them.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I was watching the NBA All-Star Game just a little while ago and realized how much branding the NBA is able to do each game for all players. Players are allowed to select which ever shoes they want to wear but everything other than that must be Official NBA Gear. from headbands to socks, all appearal must be official to NBA qualifications. I find it amazing how easily they are able to brand each and every player.

Do you know of any other large corporations who are able to accomplish this same task so simply?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

target marketing

I saw a great example of target marketing yesterday when i was watching TV. An advertisement came on for make-up and it showed Beyonce (a very attractive african american woman) using a shade of make-up specific to her skin color. the advertisement was clearly promoting this line of make-up to African American females who want to be stunning like the star they see before their eyes.

Do you think this type of racial target marketing is useful to companies or do you think people see it as a bad thing to isolate races?

Monday, March 19, 2012

In response to chris beland...

Does anyone know how bad the ski resorts were hurt this year? Does anyone else have similar stories about over preparing?

I have a lot of friends who work at ski resorts and this year many of them got laid off or extremely less hours to their name because of all of the struggles in the industry. in return this lack of jobs made them struggle financially in terms of surviving on their own wages while at school.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

NCAA advertising

While watching many college athletic events on television i realized that the conferences on at the time find as many ways to put ads up as they can. These commercials are usually full of beautiful campuses and students succeeding in a number of different fields and can sometimes come off as corny or cheap. Considering the fact that most athletic programs do not gain money for their respective schools, do you think these cheesy advertisments are needed or is it a spot where maybe the schools can save a bit of money to invest in new and more exciting promotions?

response to kristen rankin

Have you noticed these new types of advertising on Facebook? Would you be more likely to react to an advertisement and use a product or go to a place that you know your friends have been to?

I have noticed these new types of advertisments but I don't feel that these ads will effect my surfing of the web. I get upset with all the adveretisements on social media networks already so anything new i don't think will affect me. I take word of mouth into consideration heavily because i trust my friends' opinions but when it is on some web page I tend to not trust it as much. I'm not sure why, I guess i just feel that there is more room for lies then if I am told face to face.

I think internet advertisements annoy us all, is there any new ways to promote on social media with out this annoyance?

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Response to Georgianne

I believe that clients will return to products that they have used in the past and have found value in, do you?

I feel that this statement is very true, I have bought numerous products before that i disliked or that have broke on me and now when i see these items I immediately turn the other direction. I also find this to be true when the "product" in question in a service. many people find their favorite restaurant or bar and go there repeatedly for the service they enjoy.

We all attend places we enjoy to be at, have you ever gone back to a place where you weren't happy with the product or service and why?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Response to Tanya

Is there a line between self promotion and being too cocky to employers?

I used to think there was a line that was very thin between promoting yourself to employers and then just being straight cocky or arrogant. after attending a guest speaker last semester who spoke on seperating yourself from competition and job interviews and applications i now truly believe the more cocky the better. the argument made was that each person who wants this job has pros and cons, essentially the employer will give the job to the person best fit and with the least amount of cons. portraying yourself in an arrogant light is frowned upon in society but in the business world it shows that you are ready to take on the challenges presented to you and your company.

Put yourself in the employers shoes for a job of your choosing, explain the job description and give the top 3 qualities you are looking for and why.

I am the Product

Think of yourself as a "product". Describe the other 3 P's of the marketing mix -- that is, how will you market yourself to a potential employer.

I feel this idea is very similar as to when i was applying for colleges fresh out of high school. in that case i was the product and needed to market myself to schools so they would accept me and want my attendence at their school.
My "place" was shown by my community service hours and the connections i had made through my travels and studies. i could provide this college with recognition in all the future places i travel, work, etc...
My "promotion" was obviously my GPA, past experiences, and all other aspects that came from the awkward part of the applications where you basically brag and boast about yourself to the admissions office.
Finally, my "price" was what i could give back to the schools. they were going to invest in someone they saw potential in to succeed after schooling and donate back to the university. they want the brightest high school graduates possible so that they can later make money back from donations.

For those people who have had to apply for jobs, what similarities or differences have you seen between job and college application processes and which do you find more challenging/why?

1st Blog

What is the difference, in your opinion (don’t look up definitions) between marketing, advertising, and propaganda?

I see marketing as a large idea of how to get a product out to the public, almost like an overview of the whole process. I see advertising as a smaller function of the overall marketing idea and propaganda as a refined section of advertising. propaganda is a specific type of advertising, much like how advertising is a more specific type of marketing in general.

Do you feel that propaganda is always a bad thing to consumerws or can it be beneficial?