Thursday, March 22, 2012

target marketing

I saw a great example of target marketing yesterday when i was watching TV. An advertisement came on for make-up and it showed Beyonce (a very attractive african american woman) using a shade of make-up specific to her skin color. the advertisement was clearly promoting this line of make-up to African American females who want to be stunning like the star they see before their eyes.

Do you think this type of racial target marketing is useful to companies or do you think people see it as a bad thing to isolate races?

Monday, March 19, 2012

In response to chris beland...

Does anyone know how bad the ski resorts were hurt this year? Does anyone else have similar stories about over preparing?

I have a lot of friends who work at ski resorts and this year many of them got laid off or extremely less hours to their name because of all of the struggles in the industry. in return this lack of jobs made them struggle financially in terms of surviving on their own wages while at school.